




How to score more penalties in FIFA 15

Firstly, the most basic tip - to choose the best players. In reality, most times players tend to be careless when choosing the best player for a penalty. This happens for them being lazy or ending up forgetting, or even because they don't know who has the best penalty stats. If that's the case, you can view this important information in the player selection box by pressing RT/R2 before your take the penalty. If you play Ultimate Team, you should go FIFA 16 Coins Online to squad settings (Y/Triangle on the active squad menu) and define your penalty kicker. This way you don't have to switch players every time you're going to take a penalty. So Make SURE you're only picking the best of the best when your line-up menu appears.

Secondly, DO PRACTICE. This may seem like a basic tip but it will actually increase your success rate on penalties. Go to the arena (play �C practice arena) and press left on the D-Pad. This way you'll have access to the penalties training ground. Activate the aim FIFA 16 Coins mark pressing LT/L2. Now you'll be able to see if you're giving too much or little direction to the kick, and you can practice your shot power.

Try also changing the kicker to see what changes when you choose a bad player for penalties. You have the aim mark moving faster now and you can also see that the green area got smaller, plus the blue circle expands, which increases your chances to fail.

You don't need to practice much to get sharp on this. If you're a perfectionist, however, you can also clear the penalty skill games.

Lastly, Right aiming, power and direction. Your success when taking a penalty depends basically on three factors: aiming, power and direction. If you follow our tips, you'll rarely miss one.


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This is the first, and is definitely the most important weight loss tips that I can give you. The reason for this is simple: Without knowing

where you are going you will have a problem getting there. So, in the beginning of your weight loss journey make a decision about exactly what

you want to accomplish when your reach the end of your weight loss program.

The end result that I wanted to produce at the end of my weight loss program was this: A lean, healthy body with 10% body fat and visible six-

pack abs.

Taking into account that in 1994 my total body weight was 285 pounds and my body fat was over 44%, to be honest, I did not think I would ever

reach this major health goal that I set for myself.

But, this is what I truly wanted, so I wrote this goal in my notebook, and took my second step.

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Weight Loss basics: eat more calories than you use & you'll put on weight; use more than you eat and you'll lose it. Weight Loss is now a goal which can be reached really easily if we stick to a training regime, diet plan. But for some, surgery may be the only hope.

Surgical techniques have evolved over the past few decades, and most are effective, in the sense that they do typically lead to substantial weight loss.

However, all experts do agree that the best way to maintain weight loss is to follow a healthy lifestyle. Whichever approach you prefer, the key to long-term success is a slow steady weight loss. It is proven that it is important to prepare yourself mentally for your weight loss journey and the lifestyle changes you are about to undergo.

For individuals who are morbidly obese, surgery to bypass portions of the stomach and small intestine may at times be the only effective means of producing sustained and significant weight loss.

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It appears as though many people want to shift blame for their current situation to anyone, or anything but themselves. Whether it's finances, relationships, work, family, or health related, as humans we sometimes have a tendency to create external reasons for our problems. If you ever find yourself saying, "If only so and so had done this differently, I could have..." or, " If only I had this, I could..." or anything like this, I suggest you stop and take a good look at the real reason why you don't have exactly what you want in your life. Is it because of other people and circumstances, or is the real reason because of a lack of action, or purpose on your part?

Weight loss is good for many conditions. It is of real benefit in diabetes, high blood pressure, shortness of breath, joint problems and raised cholesterol.

Weight loss is possible with exercise and healthy meals alone, but including good-quality protein and building lean muscle mass will help you lose more quickly, helping you to keep the weight off and stay healthy.

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Exercise is the most important element for a successful permanent weight loss and for you to maintain your weight. For exercise to be effective, one must exercise for duration of a minimum of 30 minute per session, 5 times a week. In a recent study, if you exercise for 10 minute, 3 times a day is as good as one 30 minute session. With this in mind, there is no reason to give yourself the "no time for exercise" excuse. Try walking around the neighborhood with your spouse everyday or join an aerobics class at your local gym. Once you start exercising, you will feel more energetic and less stressful and ultimately, you will become "addicted" to exercise

In order to lose the weight, you have to seriously cut out all calories in your diet plan. The real truth is that this just leaves you with terrible cravings and lowers your metabolic rate so that it is actually hard to lose the weight. You can't maintain a diet like this and will end up cheating on the diet, resulting in gains in weight that make up for whatever you lost.

You will be able to raise your metabolism if you choose to eat several small meals in a given day. It will raise your metabolism and you will lose weight faster. The truth is that natural weight loss comes from lowering somewhat the caloric content of every day but if you eat 2500 calories in a single meal in one day or spread it out throughout the day, you are still eating too many calories and you will not lose weight.

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