

What is prostatitis and clinical manifestation of prostatitis

What is prostatitis and clinical manifestation of prostatitis

Sixty percent of patients who go to department of urology are for the purpose of checking prostate. According to statistics, about seventy percent of men who are over fifty are suffering from prostatitis. Prostate diseases are usually divided to prostatitis, prostatoplasia and prostate cancer. Among them, the disease with the highest incidence is prostatitis, which was followed by prostatoplasia and prostate cancer. Besides, prostate stones, prostatitis in children and prostate diseases in women can often occur in clinic cases.

Actually, prostate diseases sometimes are stubborn. There is no other way to treat it unless surgery in western medicine. Though modern medicine develops rapidly, study and treatment of prostate diseases are facing with a fluctuation. Therefor prostate diseases are very difficult to cure.
As we all know prostate is the vital part for men. It resembles a compressed chestnut. Diameter transversa of the bottom of normal prostate should be about four centimeters, vertical diameter is about three centimeters, anteroposterior diameter is about two centimeters.  
Moreover, prostate fluids contain liquefaction factors like protease and fibrinoclase, which are  able to liquefy frozen sperm in seminal fluid. In semen, if coagulation factors are too many and liquefaction factors are few, it is easy to cause semen liquefaction disease. As a matter of fact, semen liquefaction is the origin of sperm death, then male infertility.         
Causes of prostatitis: Masturbation, sexually transmitted diseases, sexual life unrestrained, alcohol or overwork, trauma, cold, and invasion of bacteria or virus. If prostatitis is left untreated, chronic prostatitis is the tendency. Even benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate stones and prostate cancer are all contingent. 
Clinical manifestation of prostatitis are: dizziness, vertigo, insomnia, tinnitus, hair loss, vision loss, poor memory, restlessness, urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria, hematuria, urethral secretion of a white viscous material; whole body pain, discomfort in pudendum area, cold and wet scrotum, shrinkage of the penis, low back pain, lower limb weakness, stomach upset, loose stools and diarrhea, etc.  
Especially in patients who are over fifty, they suffer from disorder of vital energy, blood and hormone. Decreased androgen can cause endocrine disturbance, chronic prostate congestion. Symptoms are frequent urination, acraturesis, urinary incontinence, urinary retention, sexual dysfunction, constipation, thirst, etc.    
Causes of prostatic calculi are not clear. A study of MOOYE says that calculi derives from prostate corpora amylacea, while corpora amylacea is composed of desquamative epithelium and prostate secretion. Prostate secretion includes lecithin, nucleoprotein, cholesterol. Corpora amylacea blocks prostatic duct, leads to obliteration and secretions stagnation. So inorganic salt ( calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate ) will gradually deposit to stones with corpora amylacea as core. In clinical manifestation, prostatic calculi is much like prostatitis. 
As for prostate cancer, it is directly caused by retention of noxious dampness in the body. Except for prostatic hyperplasia, other symptoms such as significantly increased prostate, multiple nodules, painless hematuria. Certainly, the most accurate screening methods are CT scan and biopsy laboratory.
article source : http://prostatitisradicalcure.com/a/Prostatitis/Chronic_Prostatitis/2012/0319/prostatitis.html